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  1. Hezri, A.A. 2016 (reprinted 2021). The Sustainability Shift: Refashioning Malaysia’s Future. Areca Books and ISIS Malaysia; Penang, 240 pages.

  2. Hezri, A., and H. Chan. 2012. Tasik Chini: A Lake at the Edge of Ecological Collapse. API; Kuala Lumpur, 60 pages.

  3. Hadi, A.S., A.A. Hezri, A.A Aldrie and S. Aziz (Eds.), 2013. Facets of Sustainability. Bangi; Penerbit UKM.

  4. Hezri, A.A. and W. Hofmeister (Eds.), 2012. Towards Green Economy: In Search of Sustainable Energy Policies for the Future. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung; Singapore, 175 pages.

  5. S.Z.S. Hassan & A.A. Hezri (Eds.), 2009. Religion and the Environmental Challenge: Voices from Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, LESTARI Publisher.

  6. S.A. Abdullah & A.A. Hezri (Eds.), 2009. Menjana Keilmuan Kelestarian. [Generating Sustainability Knowledge] Kuala Lumpur, Lestari Publisher.

  7. A. Latiff, Hezri, A.A. and Aldrie, A., 2004 (Eds.), Indicators of Sustainable Development: Assessing Changes in Environmental Conditions. Kuala Lumpur; Penerbit Lestari.

  8. M. Nordin and A.A. Hezri. 2003 (Eds.), Urgent Agenda for Asian Sustainability: Operationalising the Vision. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Science Council of Asia. Kuala Lumpur; Academy of Sciences of Malaysia.

Journal Articles (selected)

  1. Hezri, A.A. 2013. Broadening the Environmental Dimension in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. IDS Bulletin. Vol. 44 (5): 81-88.

  2. Hezri, A.A. 2014. Rearranging Government Agencies for the Sustainable Shift. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. Vol.9 (1): 156-164.

  3. Dovers, S. and A.A. Hezri. 2010. Institutions and Policy Processes: The Means to the End of Adaptation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change.  Vol.1(2): 212-231.

  4. Hezri, A.A. and  S.R. Dovers. 2009. Australia’s Indicator-Based Sustainability Assessments and Public Policy.  The Australian Journal of Public Administration  Vol.68(3): 303-318.

  5. Abdullah, S.A. and A.A. Hezri. 2008. From Forest Landscape to Agricultural Landscape in the Developing Tropical Country of Malaysia: Pattern, Process, and Their Significance on Policy. Environmental Management. Vol.42: 907-917.

  6. Hezri, A.A and M. Nordin Hasan. 2006. Towards Sustainable Development? The Evolution of Environmental Policy in Malaysia.   Natural Resources Forum.  Vol.30(1): 37-50.

  7. Hezri, A.A. & S.R. Dovers, 2006. Sustainability Indicators, Policy, and Governance: Issues for Ecological Economics.   Ecological Economics.  Vol. 60(1): 86-99.

  8. Hezri, A.A. 2005. Utilisation of Sustainability Indicators and Impact through Policy Learning. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. Vol.7(4): 575-595.

  9. Hezri, A.A. 2004. Sustainability Indicators System and Policy Processes in Malaysia: A Framework for Utilisation and Learning. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 73 (4): 357-371.

  10. Hezri, A.A. and M.Nordin Hasan, 2004. Management Framework for Sustainable Development Indicators in the State of Selangor, Malaysia. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 4 (4): 287-304.

Policy Papers (selected)

  1. Hezri, A.A. 2018. Overview Study of Water, Food, Energy Nexus in Malaysia. Department of Irrigation and Drainage and Academy of Sciences Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur.

  2. Hezri, A.A. and N.M. Dom. 2017. Customising Integrated Water Resources Management at the River Basin Level. HTCKL and UNESCO; Jakarta.

  3. Kwa, M., Mahadi, A., Jaabi, A., Sayaka A. and AA Hezri. 2017. Building a Green Economy in the State of Perak. IDR Policy Brief No.1. Institut Darul Ridzuan; Ipoh, 30 pages.

  4. Hezri, A.A. 2013. The Status of Water, Food, and Energy Security in Asia and the PacificUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.

  5. Hezri, A.A. & R. Ghazali. 2011. A Fair Green Economy? Studies of Agriculture, Energy and Waste Initiatives in Malaysia. Occasional Paper Two: Social Dimensions of Green Economy and Sustainable Development. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Geneva.

Book Chapters (selected)

  1. Hezri, A.A. 2020 (reprinted in 2022 by Springer). Policy Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in Malaysia: A Reflection. In: Indrawan, M. et al (ed.), Civic Engagement in Asia: Lessons from Transformative Learning in the Quest for Sustainable Future. Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia; Jakarta.

  2. Majid-Cooke, F. and A.A. Hezri. 2021. Environmental Activism in Malaysia: from Indigenous Lands and Social Injustice to Parliamentary Seats. In: Jobin, P et al (editors): Environmental Movement and Politics of the Asian Anthropocene. ISEAS-Academia Sinica; Singapore & Taipei.

  3. Hezri, A.A. 2019. Socio-Demographic Aspects of Environmental Change in Malaysia. In: Tey, N.P., Lai, S.L. and A.B.I. Noor. Population Situation Analysis Malaysia 2018. UM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp.218-234

  4. Hezri, A.A. 2019. Urbanization and Multiple-Scales Environmental Challenges in Malaysia. In: Padawangi, R. (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia. Routledge; London, pp.366-374.

  5. Hezri, A.A. and M. Kwa. 2018. Resources Nexus: The Importance for Asia and the Role of Institutions. In: Marsden, T (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Nature. Sage Publisher; London. pp.xx-xx.

  6. Majid-Cooke, F.M., Hezri, A.A., Azmi, R. and R.M. Mukit. 2018. Oil palm cultivation as a development vehicle: Exploring the trade-offs for smallholders in East Malaysia. In: McGregor, A., Law, L., and F. Miller (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development. Routledge; New York.

  7. Hezri, A.A. 2018. Mencari ‘Jiwa’ Kelestarian: Ilmu Persekitaran di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Kontrak Sosialnya. Dalam: Hadi, A.S. dan S. Idrus (Eds.), Membudayakan Kelestarian: Dua Dasawarsa LESTARI di Persada Dunia. Penerbit UKM, Kuala Lumpur, pp.85-115.

  8. Hezri, A.A., Idrus, S. and A.S.Hadi. 2016. Environment and Population Change. In: Tey, N.P., Cheong, K.C., and R. Rasiah (eds.), The Past in Malaysia’s Future: Revisiting the Population and Development Nexus. UM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp.191-217.

  9. Cooke, F.M. and A.A. Hezri. 2017. Malaysia: Structure and Agency of the Environmental Movement. In: Hirsch, P. (ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia. Routledge; Abingdon, pp. 400-417.

  10. Hezri, A.A. 2015. Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainable Development Policies. In: Weiss, M.H. (Ed.), Handbook on Contemporary Malaysia. Routledge; New York, pp.226-235.

  11. Hezri, A.A. and M. Alizan. 2015. Confronting the ‘New Scarcity’? Environmental Governance in Malaysia. In: Mukherjee, S. and D. Chakraborty (eds.), Environmental Challenges and Governance: Diverse Perspectives from Asia. Routledge; New York, pp. 129-151.

  12. Hezri, A.A. 2014. Environmental Sustainability and the Social Sciences. In: Hazim et al. (Eds.), Revisiting Malaysian Modernisation: Essays on Science, Technology, Religion and Environment. Kuala Lumpur, PSSM&SIRD, pp.129-148.

  13. Hezri, A.A. 2015. Education for Sustainable Consumption in Malaysia: Current Policy Frameworks, Implementation and Governmental Capacity. In Lee, S-Y (ed.), The Role of Governments in Education for Sustainable Consumption II: Strengthening Capacity for Effective Implementation in Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand. IGES Policy Report. IGES; Tokyo, pp. 11-31.

  14. Hezri, A.A. 2014. A Question of Balance? Non-Linear Change, Ecology, and Governance. In: Vaz, J. & N. Aphinives (Eds.). Living Landscapes, Connected Communities: Culture, Environment and Change Across Asia. Areca and TNF; Tokyo, pp. 283-291.

  15. Hezri, A.A. 2013. The Shadows of Time. In: Hadi, A.S., A.A. Hezri & A.A Aldrie (Eds.), Facets of Sustainability. Penerbit UKM, pp. 67-75.

  16. Andrews-Speed, P. and A.A. Hezri. 2013. Institutional and Governance Dimensions of ASEAN Energy Market Integration. In: AEMI Group (eds.), AEMI: From Cooperation to Integration. Chulalongkorn University Press; Bangkok, pp.149-174.

  17. Hezri, A.A., W.A. Kamal and P.C. Gan. 2012. Governing Sustainable Development in Malaysia. In: Nicklin, S. (Eds.) Future Perfect: UNDESA Publication for Rio+20. Tudor Rose Publisher, London and New York, pp. 170-173.

  18. Hollingshead, B.P., Corcoran, P.B., Hezri, A.A., Koshy, K.C., Weakland, J.P. and Z.A. Hamid. 2012. “The Ethical Dimension of Sustainability in Higher Education: Applying the Principles of the Earth Charter in Malaysia and Beyond.” In: W.L. Filho (ed.), Sustainable Development in Universities: New Horizons. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, pp.529-540.

  19. Hezri, A.A. 2012. Towards Human Security: The Implementation of MDGs in Malaysia. In: Kraft, H. (Ed.), Mainstreaming Human Security in ASEAN Integration: Volume 2. ISDS-JICA; Manila, pp.198-222

  20. Hezri., A.A. and W. Hofmeister, 2012. Energy Policies and Green Economy: An Introduction. In: Hofmeister, W. & A.A. Hezri (Eds.), 2012. Towards Green Economy: In Search of Sustainable Energy Policies for the Future. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung; Singapore, pp. 1-12.

  21. Hezri, A.A. & S.R. Dovers. 2011. Shifting the Policy Goal from Environment to Sustainable Development. In: H. Hill et al. (Eds.), Malaysia’s Development Challenges: Graduating from the Middle. Abingdon; Routledge, pp. 276-295.

  22. Khalil, H.P.S.A., Bhat, I.U.H., Yusra, A.F.I., Sanusi, Z.A., and A.A. Hezri. 2011. Broad Perspective of Palm Oil for Non-food Applications for a Sustainable Tomorrow. In:  Maria L. Palmetti (editor): Palm Oil: Nutrition, Uses and Impacts. New York, Nova Publishers, pp. 129-158. ISBN: 978-1-61209-921-7

  23. Hezri, A.A. 2010. Toward 3R-Based Waste Management: Policy Change in Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines. In: M. Kojima (ed.), 3R Policies for Southeast and East Asia. Tokyo, Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO, pp.274-290.

  24. Hezri, A.A. 2009. Informing Governance? Sustainability Reporting in Indonesia and the Philippines. In: C. Saloma (Ed.) Asian Transformation in Action. Tokyo: The Nippon Foundation, pp.205-213

  25. Hezri, A.A. 2009. A Climate of Change? Global Warming Discourse in 2007. In: R. Yaakob, Syafuan Rozi, & Azrai Abdullah (Eds.), A Kaleidoscope of Environmental Security: Indonesian and Malaysian Perspectives. Jakarta, Madani Press-LIPI, pp.145-161.

Hezri Adnan

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